Fill out the form below, attach your property's photos, and click "send". Once we have received your details, we will send you an invoice.
Full Name
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Post Code
Type of listing/package
What price are you selling for?
Is your price negotiable?
How many bedrooms?
Do you have a bath or shower?
How many toilets?
Do you have covered parking?
What type of covered parking?
Is your park pet-friendly?
Please describe the features of your home and park.
Upload/Attach Images
Images can be up to 3 MB in size. Please be patient as larger images will take time to upload.
Credit Card Details
Card Number
Expiry Date (MMYY)
CVC Number
The CVC number is the 3-digit number located on the back of the credit card.
Name on Card
* Payments by credit card attract a 3% credit card processing fee.
ARPRA Member:  $140.00
Non-ARPRA Member:  $175.00

Your Home Advert
•  Stays online for six months
•  (180 days).
•  Is featured on the second
•  page of your region's Homes
•  for Sale section.
•  Contains three photos of your
•  home.
ARPRA Member:  $175.00
Non-ARPRA Member:  $200.00

Your Home Advert
•  Stays online for six months
•  (180 days).
•  Is featured on the front page
•  of your region's Homes for
•  Sale section.
•  Contains six photos of your
•  home.
ARPRA Member:  $240.00
Non-ARPRA Member:  $300.00

Your Home Advert
•  Stays online for one year. (Package is valid for one year.)
•  Is a featured listing on the front page of your region's
•  Homes for Sale section.
•  Contains six photos of your home.
•  Will be advertised on ARPRA's Facebook page.

You will also receive
•  Ongoing support via phone and/or e-mail for one year.
•  A 'Contract for Sale' form.
•  Guidelines on the do's and don'ts of the selling process,
•  designed for park homes.
•  A professional 'For Sale' sign to place in your window or
•  on your balcony in keeping with community requirements.

No commission. No legal fees. No agent's fees. Just a one-off fee!

We want to help you sell your home, so let us know about your property's

•  Primary features (e.g., number of
•  bedrooms and bathrooms, number of
•  built-in wardrobes, number of stalls in
•  carport/garage)
•  Unique amenities (e.g., hardwood
•  floors, solar panels, brand-name
•  appliances)
•  Recent repairs/updates (e.g., new
•  windows, fresh coat of paint, recently
•  renovated kitchen)
•  Unique characteristics (e.g., five-minute
•  walk to the beach, views of the lake,
•  corner lot)
•  Park/village amenities (e.g., swimming
•  pool, bowling green, community hall)

Finally, let us know about the area. Remember that buyers are not just interested in your home, they are also interested in the lifestyle they will enjoy in the area. So be sure to fill them in on local amenities (e.g., shops, cafes, accessibility of public transport).


•  Supply us with photographs of your
•  home's best spaces. Of course, this
•  includes at least one photo of the
•  outside of your home. Buyers want to 
•  see your property's exterior, along 
•  with any gardens, carport, or sheds.

•  Any house will probably benefit from
•  some extra tidying or cleaning. So close
•  that open wardrobe, wash those dirty
•  dishes, or mow that overgrown lawn
•  before taking snaps.

•  Careful not to include yourself (or
•  anyone else) in the photo. (Watch out
•  for reflections in mirrors!) Buyers want 
•  to picture themselves (not you) in the
•  property.

•  Open the blinds, and let natural light in.
•  For rooms with no natural light, turn on
•  the light before taking a photo.

•  Hold the camera as still as possible.
•  Blurry photos do not sell homes.
Representing Residential Land Lease Communities
Need help? Need answers?

1300 798 399
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Monday to Friday

Calls made from a mobile may be charged at a timed rate.